Hi Everyone,
Here are some of my black/dark tea brown normal-eyed metallic fantail/nymphs derived from calico parents.
The black nymph developed what was originally a white, now orange throat, but has since stabilised, ie, not depigmenting (losing) anymore black at present. It was originally all black without the white throat for a long time.
Both the black and dark tea brown nymphs are males and are siblings.
The fantail is a small one and a half incher, still darkening at the moment (a good dark brown - darker than the tea brown nymph but not black yet), may eventually darken to black in time.
Like the black metallic Azumanishikis, or Azuma Black dragons observed by the Japanese and Chinese, black and dark brown metallic specimens do appear from the metllic frys from the crossing of calico x calico (nacreous) goldfish.
Kind regards,
Bill L
Text and photos copyright of Bill L 2011